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  • Project Management

  • Video Production

  • Web and Content Management (CMS) Production

  • User Interface and Experience Design (UI/UX Design)

In previous years, before I embraced educational development, I have held titles such as; project manager (PMP trained), senior management, video and film producer, team leader, and team member to name a few. Project managing and functional managing teams that provided services that ranged from creative to technical dynamic website design, print publishing, server setup/maintenance, theatrical independent film, and online audio/video streaming server setup and deployment. All skills that to this day as an educational developer assist me in the management of projects and Subject Matter Experts (SME’s). I as well pull from these experiences and my educational project management background to continue to develop and teach the Project Management Skills - MGMT 655 course at San Francisco State University in my off hours.

Educational and Informational Video Production


Web and Content Management Development

Courses 2XL

Instructor Led Presentation

Project Proposal

Funding proposal for an educational non-profit organization that educates and trains low and no income clients.

Click the picture above to see this Apple Key Note slide presentation on iCloud.

Instructional Design Plan (PDF)

Project Management Plan (PDF)

Project Status Report (PDF)

Location: San Francisco, CA
Position: Freelance Project Manager/Web Developer 
Technology: Keynote, QuickTime, Photoshop

New American Family

Work and Family Program

Dynamic Website

The Work and Family Project was a clearinghouse web site designed to give working family's information about federal and local resources. This was a program of the New America Foundation.

Location: Washington DC 
Technology: Coldfusion, html, CSS, javascript, Flash,SQL, MSsql server

Asset Building

Asset Building Program

Dynamic Website

The Asset Building Project was a clearinghouse web site designed to give the general public information about federal and local asset building resources. This was a program of the New America Foundation.

Location: Washington DC 
Technology: Coldfusion, html, CSS, javascript, Flash,SQL, MSsql server


New America Foundation (Version 2)

Dynamic Website

This is the second version of the New America Foundations web site it was live from 2003 to 2006 and designed for the Microsoft Explorer 5 and Netscape 5 browser and above. Original graphic interface designed by Barbara Foley. I created the front end layout, and Project managed the CMS programming and development created. The above link takes you to an Adobe Captivate software simulation limited to basic site navigation and flow of the user interface design..

Location: Washington DC 
Technology: Coldfusion, html, CSS, javascript, SQL, MSsql server


Pacific Dry Goods


A dynamically CMS driven web site using Drupal built with point of purchase online store using Ubercard for a cleaning supply company that makes all its products from recycled meteral. Co-Design by Daniel and Brian Tyler, GUI (Drupal theme) programmed and laid out by Daniel.

Location: San Francisco CA
Technology: Drupal, Ubercart, CSS, html, javascript, SQL, MSsql server


New America Foundation

Web Based Education Center

Dynamic Website

This is the first version of the New America Foundations web site it was live from 2001 to 2003 and designed for the Microsoft Explorer browser. (This site has not been updated only a still image is available)

Location: Washington DC 
Technology: Coldfusion, html, javascript, SQL, MSsql server



Web Hydra tool

Content Management System

The Web Hydra website Content Management System tool is designed to manage multiple web sites. It was custom built from the ground up and though primarily use for New America I retain ownership.

Location: Washington DC 
Technology: Colffusion, html, javascript, Flash,SQL, MSsql server

Banner Production and Storyboard Client Project Book Example

Below is an example of an average flash banner, designed to advertise, your organization's online presence. Next to the banner you will find a basic example of a client project book. That includes the; project definition, style guide, mock-up prototypes review, script/storyboards. As a client you will be apprised of every aspect of the design process to insure your satisfaction.

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